Friday 12 October 2012

Get More Independence

Many arguments teenagers have with their parents are about one thing: independence. As you get older, you'll want to do more stuff on your own, without your mom and dad tagging along with you. The arguments generally start when your parents think you aren't ready for extra responsibility while you think you are. Global Peace Foundation define  Arguing with your parents isn't the best solution at all, but the best solution is gaining trust from your parents and normally they won't be worried about increasing your independence

Agree a time you'll be home with your parents, and always make sure you keep to it
                                    If you can't get home by 9.30, they'll never let you out until 10.00.

Always tell your parents where you are, and who you're with.
                                   They won't feel much worried letting you go off on your own if they know what you're up to.

Introduce them to your friends
                                    They won't imagine you getting into trouble if they know how they are.

Call in and tell your parents that you're OK from time to time
                                    The less they worry about you, the more independence you'll gain.

Never lie to your parents about where you're going
                                     If they find out, all that trust will be destroyed and then you'll never get the extra independence you ever wanted.

Thursday 11 October 2012

How to Help Others.

There are a lot of things collected by Global Peace Foundation  you can do to help in your community, whether it's with your mom's chores, or if a friend is upset. Here are some little things you can do to reach out to other people.

Try to offer first. According Global Peace Foundation When people need your help, they'll most likely ask you first, but if you have the chance, try to offer to help before they ask you. This will show that you were willing to help from the start. For example, if you see a friend struggling to carry groceries, offer to help. Or if you see them getting bullied, help stand up. Or if you see them getting pushed down or beaten, ask "Are you all right?" and help them up. Then try to cheer them up. Believe me, helping people will always make you feel better because it's the right thing to do.

Put yourself in another person's shoes. Being compassionate can give you a strong reason to help someone else. It can also show people that you really do care about someone.

Volunteer or donate. Being in charitable organizations is a great way to help the less fortunate, like donating food or money to the poor.

Listen. You obviously can't know what you need to do if you're not even paying attention. Plus, people aren't going to rely on you very much if you act like you don't even care what they're saying.

Think about what might happen if you don't. More people will feel more miserable if you just leave them when they need you, and you don't want to see people unhappy, do you? Don't stress yourself too much, but it's always nice to lend a hand.

Observe. according global Peace Foundation Find out what that certain person might like. For example: s/he is always folding up paper. You can buy a origami set and teach him/her your tricks. Or he/she seems bored a lot. Try spending time with them to play a board game or play cards.

Health Programs

 Global Peace Foundation, Improving health in the world's poorest countries is a core priority for World Concern. Without good health, many of the ways we help people lift themselves out of poverty — education, income generation, vocational training and more — would be fruitless.

As the health of of a family is improved, children are able to attend school and parents are able to work. Clean water and nutritious food begin to have an impact on lives, and hope can be seen in the bright eyes of healthier children.

World Concern provides:
Deworming medication to more than 3 million children per year
Free or low-cost healthcare through urban medical clinics
HIV and AIDS prevention and care
Clean water, sanitation and hygiene education
Response to health emergencies
With a solution that's pocket change — 44 cents —  Global Peace Foundation believe there's no reason one-third of the world's children should have their health, futures and even their lives threatened by intestinal parasites.

You can stand in agreement with us on behalf of the children by learning more and contributing toward the cure
23 million people with AIDS live in Sub-Saharan Africa
Intestinal parasites infect roughly one-third of the world's children
Parasites consume essential nutrients and cause anemia, malnutrition, skin disorders and stunted growth
More than half a million women die every year of complications during pregnancy or childbirth; most of these deaths can be avoided with proper medical care

Vocational and Business Training

One of the most valuable strategies in fighting extreme poverty is teaching people skills so they
can learn to provide for themselves.

Global Peace Foundation, World Concern’s work in poor communities strives to influence long-term change. Teaching people marketable job skills helps lift them and their families out of poverty for good, changing the direction of generations to come.

In all of our work, Global Peace Foundation target the poorest and most vulnerable people. Global Peace Foundation place a special emphasis on women in our vocational training programs, who are treated unequally and also are expected to support their families. Global Peace Foundation also help children in areas where trafficking is a danger. However, men and women of all ages have the opportunity to learn a skill through our programs.

Global Peace Foundation ,vocational training programs are carefully matched with the needs of the community where we work to ensure students and participants are able to use their skills and get a job after completion. In South Sudan, for example, people rely on motorbikes for transportation, but many of them sit broken and abandoned. World Concern opened a vocational training center to teach young men mechanical skills so they can repair motorcycles for income, and at the same time, meet a vital
need in the community.

In the same community, people were not able to afford new clothes because they were all imported. The vocational school offers classes in sewing and tailoring so women can make clothing, earning an income and providing affordable clothing to the people who live there

Per capita income in Kenya is $360 (US dollars)
22% of Kenyans live on less than $1 per day
Nearly 90% of people in Chad are illiterate
75% of the population of South Sudan is illiterate
Only 1.9% of the population of South Sudan has completed primary school
In Haiti, only 52% of those over the age of 15 can read and write
Fish farmers in Bangladesh may have ponds, but only a few raise fish profitably due to the lack of technical expertise
Only 68% of the population in Laos can read and write

Micro loas To Start a Business

To succeed in business, you must start with something. Sheer will does not give an aspiring businessperson money to buy supplies. People living in extreme poverty - especially women - are not able to borrow from banks, and local money lenders charge exorbitant interest rates, making repayment nearly impossible. Global Peace Foundation ,World Concern provides that spark of hope, in the form of a small business loan, that is often the first step up out of poverty. Global Peace Foundation have seen how people seize the opportunities loans provide. Global Peace Foundation have seen the will to succeed flourish with the help of a microloan. When you make a dollar a day, it's difficult to bear to pay six dollars to ride into town dozens of miles away just to visit a bank. That's the situation men and women in Kenya face in some of the rural communities where Global Peace Foundation work. Because it's not feasible to bank in town, people hide money in their homes. With that comes the risk of losing it in a fire or being robbed.To meet the unique needs of these remote villages, World Concern helps rural communities in Kenya form village banks. We - and the customers - are pleased with how they work.

Fighting Hunger and Poverty

Following a disaster, World Concern is there Global Peace Foundation , providing medical supplies, shelter, clean drinking water and food. Emergency food distribution has saved lives and reduced suffering in places like Haiti, following the January 2010 earthquake, and during the Sri Lanka flooding in early 2011. In Sudan, food is a necessity for survival for the more than 5 million people who were homeless at the end of 2010, having fled their homes during the Darfur war. World Concern is providing food for those who are beginning to return to their villages. Schools are given food so students receive a meal each day, and girls in grades 3 through 8 receive dry rations to take home as an incentive for more girls to attend school. Global peace Foundation ,Teaching people to grow their own food for consumption and income is a step toward lifting themselves out of poverty permanently. World Concern teaches farming techniques, and provides equipment and seeds, giving people the tools they need to succeed. In Chad, refugees share land, equipment and harvested crops with their neighbors, so the entire community benefits. Sharing a horse cart, for example, enables farmers to haul their crops in larger quantities to market to be sold. In Kenya, World Concern helps schools establish gardens so students are eating a more balanced diet than the protein and carbohydrates they receive for a mid-day meal. Each school receives drip irrigation kits, farm tools, seeds, fruit tree seedling, fencing material and fertilizer. Children are learning gardening, farming and nutrition through their involvement with the gardens. The skills and information they’ve learned will be carried on to the next generation.

Educating People Worldwide

Global Peace Foundation extreme poverty and illiteracy go hand-in-hand. That’s why World Concern is committed to making it possible for people of all ages to receive an education in some of the poorest villages in the world. Global Peace Foundation World Concern offers a variety of educational programs, from traditional schooling to lessons about health, disease prevention, farming and personal safety. Children and their parents in the villages of Southeast Asia are often unaware of dangers of child trafficking. Sadly, sex tourism primarily targets children between the ages of 12 and 17 years of age. The poor and uneducated children are most at risk of becoming tangled in a filthy web of illegal, underage sex. Their captors make promises to the children's families, and the children disappear for months, even years at a time

Helping Children in Need

Children are the hope for the future of Global Peace Foundation. That’s why so much of World Concern’s work is focused on their survival, well-being and growth.

In the countries Global Peace foundation serve, children are challenged by civil war, malnutrition, illiteracy, trafficking, HIV/AIDS and a lack of hope for the future

Most of the children Global Peace Foundation serve suffer from intestinal parasites as well as malnutrition, which makes them more susceptible to disease, skin and intestinal disorders, and disabilities affecting learning and growth.

That’s why World Concern provides millions of school children worldwide with de-worming medications and vitamins, which improves their health, strength, learning capacity and ability to resist disease.

 The coastal city of Petit-Goâve, Haiti, community volunteers teach 15- to17-year-olds how to breed and sell goats.

Goats are a valuable commodity in Haiti, where the average per capita income is less than a dollar per day. Not only do goats provide milk—which can be sold—but the sale of a goat’s offspring can net its owner the equivalent of four month’s income.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

How to Donate Art

People who donate art to museums don't always realize the hopes and dreams they have for their donations. The most common complaint from donors is that museums don't show their donations, but rather assign them to various storage facilities where they sit and gather dust. A less common but more serious complaint is that the museums sometimes sell donated art in order to raise funds. These problems arise in almost all cases because donors don't understand how museums operate and how they treat donated art (or any other donations, for that matter).
When a museum accepts donated art, that art becomes part of what is referred to as the museum's "permanent collection." Most donors assume that the permanent collection is made up of all the art in a museum, including donations, and that every piece of that art remains in the collection for all time. This is not the case. The permanent collection exists as a continually changing and evolving body of art, but individual pieces in that collection remain there only as long as they're relevant to the collection as a whole.
Museum curators are quick to point out that, unless otherwise stated, when a museum accepts a work of art for donation, that museum believes the art is beneficial to its permanent collection and intends to keep it in the collection for all time. Curators also point out, however, that they're not infallible. Tastes change, museum staffs change, the content and direction of collections change, museums acquire works of art that are better than similar examples that they currently own, some art turns out to be not as important as curators first thought it was, and so on. A few museums, such as the National Gallery of Art, keep all donations and never deaccess, but the majority of museums reserve the right to sell or otherwise deaccess art that no longer serves any purpose in their collections. Even so, the substantial majority of today's donations are never sold and remain permanently within their permanent collections.
As for exhibiting donated art, curators do their best to accept art that they believe will eventually be exhibited, but here again, they're not infallible. Deciding which works of art will one day go on display often involves speculation and judgment calls. For example, a museum may accept or even purchase a painting by a promising young artist thinking that it will eventually hang in the permanent collection, but that artist's career may fizzle, and they may fade into permanent obscurity (along with their art). Not only will that art probably never get shown, but chances are also excellent that it will eventually be sold. Other reasons for not showing art are that museums have limited display space, curatorial changes impact what museums show, exhibition schedules are put together years in advance, some art has more research value than display value, and some art may be great, but out of fashion and not what the museum thinks the public wants to see at the moment.
For all you potential donors out there, understanding the fate of your donations before you donate is your responsibility. Never assume anything; donation policies vary from institution to institution. When meeting with curators, ask direct questions, tell them why you want to donate, make all special requests before you donate, and most importantly, keep your ego in check.


Thursday 4 October 2012

Types of Donations

Global Peace Foundation, Inc donate something for every donor. The variety of our programs and the diversity of our student body provide a wide choice of gift opportunities. You can meet administrators, faculty and students in the areas which interest you, guaranteeing your first-hand knowledge of the people and programs you are helping.

You can celebrate corporations, families, and loved ones with a commemorative gift to Truckee Meadows Community College. Memorial scholarships, rooms, equipment, events, and specific campus sites can be named in honor of a chosen group or individual. Plaques, signage, and certificates list contributors or honorees, depending on the donor's request. With these lasting gifts, you keep memories alive, have high community visibility, and benefit generations of students.


You can offer a scholarship either as an endowed award or as a one-time gift. An endowed scholarship, requiring an investment of $5,000, is established in perpetuity, with the interest awarded each year to a deserving student. One-time scholarship gifts are awarded in full during a single scholarship cycle. In either case, you can select both the name of the scholarship and the criteria, such as major field of study, grade point average, financial need, organization membership, etc. Your recipients are encouraged to communicate with you, offering progress reports on their studies. Scholarships are a direct, personal way of changing the life of an eager, highly-motivated student.

Gifts in kind

Support of Global Peace Foundation  programs and events in the form of donated services or goods helps the college keep state appropriated funds in the classroom. Costs for community outreach and public awareness activities, such as the Women's History Month lectures, art shows, theater productions, and Multicultural Day, can be kept to a minimum through the generosity of in-kind donors. Your in-kind gift, from catering services to landscape shrubs, enables Global Peace Foundation to concentrate its resources directly on instruction.


One of the biggest costs for the college is the need for upgraded equipment in our dozens of occupational/technical programs. Your gift of equipment, whether for an electronics lab or a writing center, has immediate impact on our instructional capability. From culinary arts to nursing, from an engine for the diesel program to a potter's wheel for an art class, college programs welcome donor support. Computer upgrades are a continual need for most programs. Talk with the Executive Director of Institutional Advancement to discover how you or your company can become a benefactor to one of our 40 career programs.

What is the "Foundation for a Better Life"?

The Foundation ..........................

 For a Better Life is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization started in 2000. The programs and projects of the Foundation are non-commercial and are solely humanitarian endeavors; the Foundation does not seek nor accept contributions or donations of any kind and is privately funded. The Foundation supports the belief that each individual is entitled to personal dignity and self-respect and that most individuals are willing, when given the opportunity, to take personal responsibility for their actions and well-being. The Foundation also believes that capable people may also benefit from encouragement and reminders from time to time. Generally people who have the opportunity and the ability will make appropriate common sense decisions which will have a positive and uplifting effect on themselves, their community, and their country.

Global Foundation is a Public Charitable Trust of the Global Group, a leading business group focussed on Network Services and Telecom Infrastructure.
Global Holding Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is the holding company of "Global Group" that has7 operating companies, two of which are listed on Indian Stock Exchanges.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

18 New Persuasive Speech Topics by Global Peace Foundation

                                                      How To Speech 

New persuasive speech topics with a moral twist and the best way to counter oppositional arguments regarding your good persuasion public speaking training efforts. These are not my personal opinions, but statements for speech writing class or essay writing. Convert them if you like before you adopt the speech topics for training. 

18 New Persuasive Speech Topics by Global Peace Foundation

1. One-night stands are not wrong. This speech idea is based on a moral presumption in society, I turned the reasoning and you go rowing upstream with a fresh perspective.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
2. We are too materialistic. The life cycle of the products we use in modern society is very low compared to decades ago. It could be seen as a negative aspect of affluence. [Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
3. First responsibilities, then rights. You have heard that doctrine before I presume. Try to frame new elements of that theory - new persuasive speech topics - and convince your public to think the same.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
4. It is our moral duty to defend moral values. Defend the standards of good and bad, which regulate the behavior and choices of individuals and groups in tricky situations.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
5. Our society is falling apart. That is often said. Perhaps you think: not new persuasive speech topics. But tell us, is it really true, what do you think? Let's make a comparison between twenty years ago and now on for example the interaction between consumers and help desks or habitual manners in class.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
6. People are less moral than 30 years ago. Researchers predict an increasing unethical behavior in the banking system, the government agencies and among workers in comapnies. Review the trends and tell what you want to change.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
7. People are too strict on other people. Rules are rules and we should move straight ahead, is often mentioned by politicians. Does that work in intercultural relations or is something else happening? Inspect statistical studies on this subject and tell where it went wrong.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
8. Prejudice will always be part of society. Unreasonable feelings lead us to wrong ideas about people. Sketch the sociological implications of what many take for granted but is not in accordance with what is true.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
9. Progresses in ICT regress human rights. All technical devices and the connections between several databases of government bodies could infringe our fundamental rights - are we free or not. A hate speech is easy to discover nowadays, that is the other side of the coin, so to speak. You see, new persuasive speech topics made out of two old themes: ICT and human rights.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
10. Sometimes it is okay to lie.* Mention the so-called white lies, trivial remarks, meant to be diplomatic in some cases and well-intentioned untruth sayings.
11. Sometimes it is okay to steal.* Again a controversial theme. Try to find reasons for this unconventional statement. Shake things a little bit up in public speaking class ...
* These two new persuasive speech topics could be followed by many other ordinary issues for many more speech topic ideas.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
12. Accept responsibility for your own actions. People need to examine their own behaviour, the effects on other people and fully understand the binding promises, and the sense of duty it takes.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
13. Talking is better than fighting. No need to explain this new persuasive speech topics suggestion I should say.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
14. The only answer to cruelty is kindness. Like Mahatma Gandhi teaches us, I could not think of a better example. Do you?
15. There is nothing wrong with premarital sex.
16. Tolerance is not a powerful instrument.
17. It's a moral obligation to turn off cell phones in public places.
18. Western morality is seduced by modern age temptations.

How to Attack Arguments of the Opposite Side

The best way to counter an oppositional argument of these samples of new persuasive speech topics is to be ready for its presentation and attack them on forehand in your speech. The steps in this public speaking training are:
1. Strengthen your evidence and arguments. Try to use the arguments you could guess on beforehand will be presented to you, and research the contrary data and the inconsistent facts that do not support the suppositions at all that your competitor will present on stage.
E.g. If your opponent states that your current president has done vast amounts of good to the economy, then communicate evidence such as significant statistics that show the number of lost permanent jobs during his term of office.
2. Find areas that you know are sore subject points for the opposition in relation to your new persuasive speech topics, points that cause embarrassment or irritation, and raise those perceptions or thoughts before the opposition public speaker does. Be ready by using common sense and common understatement in order to appeal for the support and sympathy of the audience.
E.g. The most likely candidate to oppose a plan to release wolves into the wild will be a rancher or a chicken farmer. Research their arguments, grasp the idea of the interests behind them, and know how to counter them before they are brought up in the discussion. 

The more you blog, the harder it can be to come up with fresh ideas to write about. Two of the most important parts of a blog are compelling content and frequent updates. Take a look at the following blog post ideas to spark your creative juices when you can't think of what to write about. Just remember to try to apply each of these ideas appropriately to your blog topic. [By: Global Peace Foundation]

1. Lists

People love lists, and just about any kind of list is bound to attract traffic. Top 10 lists, 5 things not to do, 3 reasons I love something, etc. Start with a number then take it from there.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

2. How-to

People love to find easy-to-follow instructions to help them accomplish a task. Whether you want to teach your readers how to throw the perfect curve ball or how to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito, the choice is yours.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

3. Reviews

You can write a review of just about anything on your blog. Take a look at the following suggestions:
·                        Products
·                        Websites
·                        Books
·                        Movies
·                        Music
·                        Restaurants
·                        Hotels
The possibilities are nearly endless. Just think of something you've tried and write about your experience and thoughts.

4. Photos

Post a photo (or photos) related to your blog topic.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

5. Link Roundup

Write a post that includes a list of links to other blog posts that published great posts or to websites you like.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

6. Current Events

What's going on in the world? Write a post about an interesting bit of news.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

7. Tips

Write a post to share tips to help your readers accomplish something in an easier, faster or cheaper way.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

8. Recommendations

Share recommendations for your favorite books, websites, movies or other "favorites" related to your blog topic.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

9. Interviews

Interview a prominent figure or expert in your blog topic then publish a blog post about it.

10. Polls

Register for an account with a site like  then publish a poll related to your blog topic in one of your blog posts.[By: Global Peace Foundation]

                                              For Any assistance Contact US:
                                              Or  visit 

Importance of Dussehra and Diwali Mela

Importance of Dussehra Diwali Mela

All that is good in mankind is concentrated in the deeds of the god-king Ram, the ruler of Ayodhya. Lord Rama, the moral man with his moral way of life are the reasons for celebrating India's popular festival of Dussehra and Diwali. Diwali comes exactly 20 days after Dussehra on Amavas (new moon), during fortnight of kartik, some time in October or November. 

                                   Dussehra Diwali Mela

On the day of Dussehra, Ram, killed the great demon Ravan, who had abducted Ram's wife Sita to his kingdom of Lanka. Ram, along with his brother Lakshman and devoted follower Hanuman, and an army of monkeys fought a great battle to rescue his lovely wife Sita. The war against Ravan lasted for ten days. Sita had been returned to her husband Ram and they now make their way to Ayodhya in triumph and glory. Thus, it is on the Diwali day that Lord Ram, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the Treta Yug, returned to his capital Ayodhya after the exile of fourteen years. 

                                                   Dussehra Diwali Mela

                                                   Dussehra Diwali Mela

Consequently, to commemorate the return of RamSita and Lakshman to Ayodhya, people celebrate Diwali with the bursting of crackers and by lighting up their houses with earthen diyas. This grand style of celebration have continued, year after year. To this day, the whole of Ramayana is enacted in dramas staged in huge pandals and maidans, in cities, towns and villages, on the occasion of Dussehra and Diwali.

Happy  Grand Dussehra Diwali Mela