Wednesday 3 October 2012

18 New Persuasive Speech Topics by Global Peace Foundation

                                                      How To Speech 

New persuasive speech topics with a moral twist and the best way to counter oppositional arguments regarding your good persuasion public speaking training efforts. These are not my personal opinions, but statements for speech writing class or essay writing. Convert them if you like before you adopt the speech topics for training. 

18 New Persuasive Speech Topics by Global Peace Foundation

1. One-night stands are not wrong. This speech idea is based on a moral presumption in society, I turned the reasoning and you go rowing upstream with a fresh perspective.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
2. We are too materialistic. The life cycle of the products we use in modern society is very low compared to decades ago. It could be seen as a negative aspect of affluence. [Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
3. First responsibilities, then rights. You have heard that doctrine before I presume. Try to frame new elements of that theory - new persuasive speech topics - and convince your public to think the same.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
4. It is our moral duty to defend moral values. Defend the standards of good and bad, which regulate the behavior and choices of individuals and groups in tricky situations.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
5. Our society is falling apart. That is often said. Perhaps you think: not new persuasive speech topics. But tell us, is it really true, what do you think? Let's make a comparison between twenty years ago and now on for example the interaction between consumers and help desks or habitual manners in class.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
6. People are less moral than 30 years ago. Researchers predict an increasing unethical behavior in the banking system, the government agencies and among workers in comapnies. Review the trends and tell what you want to change.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
7. People are too strict on other people. Rules are rules and we should move straight ahead, is often mentioned by politicians. Does that work in intercultural relations or is something else happening? Inspect statistical studies on this subject and tell where it went wrong.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
8. Prejudice will always be part of society. Unreasonable feelings lead us to wrong ideas about people. Sketch the sociological implications of what many take for granted but is not in accordance with what is true.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
9. Progresses in ICT regress human rights. All technical devices and the connections between several databases of government bodies could infringe our fundamental rights - are we free or not. A hate speech is easy to discover nowadays, that is the other side of the coin, so to speak. You see, new persuasive speech topics made out of two old themes: ICT and human rights.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
10. Sometimes it is okay to lie.* Mention the so-called white lies, trivial remarks, meant to be diplomatic in some cases and well-intentioned untruth sayings.
11. Sometimes it is okay to steal.* Again a controversial theme. Try to find reasons for this unconventional statement. Shake things a little bit up in public speaking class ...
* These two new persuasive speech topics could be followed by many other ordinary issues for many more speech topic ideas.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
12. Accept responsibility for your own actions. People need to examine their own behaviour, the effects on other people and fully understand the binding promises, and the sense of duty it takes.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
13. Talking is better than fighting. No need to explain this new persuasive speech topics suggestion I should say.[Global Peace Foundation , Inc]
14. The only answer to cruelty is kindness. Like Mahatma Gandhi teaches us, I could not think of a better example. Do you?
15. There is nothing wrong with premarital sex.
16. Tolerance is not a powerful instrument.
17. It's a moral obligation to turn off cell phones in public places.
18. Western morality is seduced by modern age temptations.

How to Attack Arguments of the Opposite Side

The best way to counter an oppositional argument of these samples of new persuasive speech topics is to be ready for its presentation and attack them on forehand in your speech. The steps in this public speaking training are:
1. Strengthen your evidence and arguments. Try to use the arguments you could guess on beforehand will be presented to you, and research the contrary data and the inconsistent facts that do not support the suppositions at all that your competitor will present on stage.
E.g. If your opponent states that your current president has done vast amounts of good to the economy, then communicate evidence such as significant statistics that show the number of lost permanent jobs during his term of office.
2. Find areas that you know are sore subject points for the opposition in relation to your new persuasive speech topics, points that cause embarrassment or irritation, and raise those perceptions or thoughts before the opposition public speaker does. Be ready by using common sense and common understatement in order to appeal for the support and sympathy of the audience.
E.g. The most likely candidate to oppose a plan to release wolves into the wild will be a rancher or a chicken farmer. Research their arguments, grasp the idea of the interests behind them, and know how to counter them before they are brought up in the discussion. 

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