Wednesday 7 November 2012

How to help the poor and needy

                                              Help the poor and needy

What can you, a teenager who doesn't have a lot of money or resources, do to help the poor and needy?
More than you think.

The Global Peace Foundation advice Most young adults are blessed with the creativity and intelligence to find ways to help others despite limited resources. Here are some tips that can perhaps start the creative process:

1. Give a portion of your allowance each week to a poor and needy person or a cause in support of them.

2. Encourage your parents to pay Zakat.

3. Encourage a family Sadaqa (charity) project.

4. Talk about it in your youth group.

5. Visit a poor part of town.

6. Do a class presentation on poverty.

7. Don't just collect money.

8. Write about poverty in your school paper.

9. Write about Zakat and Sadaqa in your Masjid newsletter.

10. Put the information on a website.

11. Collect money in your group.

12. Organize a youth seminar on poverty.

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